The Scoring System

All scores are highly subjective. A film that I like may be your least favourite. Don't take anything too seriously from any reviewer or critic, but these scores will give you a good idea as to whether you want to spend money on seeing a film or maybe just wait until it is free to watch on television.

An amazing film. The sound and cinematography are the best. The storyline has me gripped until the end when I am still waiting for more. A highly recommended viewing experience.

A great film. This film would only lose a mark because of minor detail or because it doesn't quite compare to a perfect 10. This is still a film to watch with great anticipation.

A very good film. Definitely one that you must see. Any film with this score still has all the factors that make up an enjoyable viewing experience.

A good film, but some people may not think so! I find myself rating many films with this score because although I enjoyed the film there is something about it that made me think that the film-makers could have done a slightly better job. It's still a film to watch but don't expect greatness.

A film that sits slightly above average. Many films suffer from uninspiring storylines or poor quality lighting, but still have something about them that feels OK. Watchable.

Mediocre. This film may be for people who have a specific interest, but not for general viewing. Or it may just be another OK experience but struggles to keep you awake. Might be a good idea to leave this one.

Poor. In my opinion, don't punish yourself unless your on a mission to reach 1000 films from each year. Keep a book handy for the boring bits and you'll probably finish it (the book that is!).

Very poor. Most student films fall into this category, but there are also professional film makers who have no idea what they are doing. Watch this only for special interest such as a favourite actor.

Just bad! Most films of this quality don't even deserve a full review. Stay away from a film like this. It doesn't even fall into the 'So Bad It's Good' category. A waste of everyone's time.

I hope I don't come across any of these. It may send me into a rage as I waste my time plodding through such crap. Something this bad may be detrimental to your health.

Sometimes you might think that my rating is too high or too low, but just remember that everyone is different. I don't like films with Jennifer Lopez in and so her films may get a low score even before I've watched them. I will, however, be as objective as my subjective mind will let me and I will try and see things from every angle, including an eight year old Miley Cyrus fan!


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