Friday 27 December 2013

Posted by Film Buff | File under :

Watched: 2 October 2013
Rating: 8/10

Dougray Scott
Alastair Mackenzie
James Anthony Pearson
Liz White
Charles Mnene

A clever twist on the chase movie. A gripping drama.

Although most of the action takes place at night, giving it a modern film-noir feel (and in one part of one city), the film seemed to be much bigger. The lead performances were spot on and the atmosphere was grimy but electric. Dougray Scott is an evil menace and at no point in the film do you get a hint of remorse or sentiment from his character. His demeanour and almost expressionless stare would be enough to scare anyone on a dark street, especially if you sensed the desire for his type of thrill.

James Anthony Pearson is the desperado who accepts Scott's offer without fully realising the consequences. A well crafted and balanced performance of emotion and desperation to appease his sister's money problems.

This was a suprisingly gripping film that I didn't want to end. All manner of possibilities could have been dealt with and this would have made a good television series in the same vein as The Fugitive but with a more mature and grittier edge.


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