Thursday 26 December 2013

Posted by Film Buff |
The are many films that pass me by. So...I have decided to log all of my films and challenge myself to watch at least 1000 films from each year starting from 1929 up to the present day. That way I get to watch more films and can remember what I've watched and a little bit about each film. I will be reviewing most of what I watch and will provide some pictures of some of the older films. Some years will prove difficult to fulfill my dream, especially the early years where availability will be an issue. Some films that I have already seen, I will write about from memory including such classics that I saw the first time around, like Star Wars and Grease. Those I have seen but forgotten, I will rewatch so that I can do them justice. Although this is a personal blog, you are welcome to comment and make suggestions.

As an additional note, this idea of mine will probably take a few years to complete. Also, obtaining access to enough films will cause me some problems. However, my DVD collection is quite large, I have old commercial VHS tapes and I go to the cinema quite a lot. In addition to this there is access to many public domain films on and some other films on YouTube. I also have some access to 'paid for' cable telly and channels like True Movies and TCM. Hopefully I will be able to watch the full theatrical release or better and not the terrible terrestial mish mash that sometimes appears on my TV at home on channels that only want to fit everything in with their adverts.

Here goes and wish me luck.

Film Buff


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