Friday 27 December 2013

Posted by Film Buff | File under :

Watched: 29 Jul 2013
Rating: 5/10

Jacob Zachar
Alexa Nikolas
Christa B. Allen
Jayson Blair
Justin Chon
Max Adler

A group of high school students in detention have to join forces when the rest of the school turns into zombies.

This is an obvious spoof of movies like 'The Breakfast Club' with definite character types. The rest of the story is basic with nothing new to interest the seasoned zombie film lover.

Most of the action takes place in a couple of rooms in a high school, where there has been a zombie outbreak. The characters are well played by the actors, but the storyline leaves you looking at your watch (or phone) and wondering when the obvious climax will occur. There are some laughs to be had at times but these were not enough to keep me interested for the duration of this film.

From a technical point of view, the film is well lit and photographed in mainly indoor locations.

On the plus side, it is much better than Dance of the Dead (2008).


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