Thursday 2 January 2014

Posted by Film Buff | File under :

Watched: 31 Dec 2013
Rating: 4/10

Jared Kusnitz
Greyson Chadwick
Chandler Darby
Carissa Capobianco
Randy McDowell

When a zombie outbreak affects a prom night in a high school, it is up to the nerds to stop it.

Dance of the Dead had a very 'student' feel about the subject matter and the style of film-making. The script was poor and full of the most obvious jokes. The acting and direction was also very bad. The characters were all taken from an abundance of previously made rubbish zombie films and although I believe there a very big 'tongue-in-cheek' in this one, the comedy doesn't come off. The film gets its positive points from some of the camera and lighting of indoor scenes which shows that there were experienced professionals used in the film's making. The zombies didn't know whether to walk or run and the band were terrible. If this is your sort of thing, or if you know someone in the film, then I could understand you watching it, but for everyone else it is a waste of time.

If you like this rubbish you might also like the slightly better Detention of the Dead (2012).


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